You are Not a Tree

It is no secret that I have moved often since college.  I am frequently asked, and wonder myself, “Why?”  In the quest to address that question and what appears to be fearlessness when it comes to moving, here is what I have to say about that.

Initially – Fear of never finding my genuine and perfect self.  Who was I, veiled under the image fabricated by attending the same school for 13 years (K through 12) with virtually the same people?

Instinctively – Fear of being stuck in my home town, living the life that was expected of me rather than the life that was meant to be.

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Innately – Belief in myself and my ability to adapt and survive.  I’m pretty sure some of this was instilled in me by my parents and childhood experiences.

Intuitively – Knowledge that, for me, change would be a good thing.

Inherently – Faith that it would be better on the other side.

Indubitably – Acceptance and support on all levels from two incredible parents.

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To those readers raising children, I encourage you to instill in them the confidence to follow their dreams with fearlessness.  Then back it up with your infinite support no matter how fearful it makes you.  You may be amazed at how far they can go.fear 4