What’s the Story?

I’m baaaack!  Hard to believe it has been a year since my last entry on this site.  I think of myself as a woman of few words, but a year without a post seems a bit extreme, even for me.  Guess I didn’t have much to say.

If you don’t know, I moved from Lexington, Kentucky to Homosassa, Florida last April.  Where is Homosassa?  It’s on the gulf side of the state, about an hour north of Tampa.  Known as the Nature Coast, the big attraction is the ability to swim with manatee.  Personally I think we should leave the manatee alone.  But that is another story.


Why Homosassa, you ask?  I lived here from 1999 to 2004 and it feels like home to me.  So I really am back.  I love the warm weather and southern life style.  I bought a condo, making life maintenance free.

So what have I been doing with all of my free time?  I have been reconnecting with friends from the twenty-four years I lived in Florida, 1980 – 2004.

I have also been working on my creative writing skills.  I believe I have found my niche or genre–flash fiction.  Flash fiction is a complete story in 1,000 words or less.  I told you I was a woman of few words.

One of my stories has been accepted for publication on a website that pairs flash fiction with photographs.  February 23rd is the big day.  I will put a link here on that day, so you can read it.

I am always looking for inspiration.  So if you have an idea or would like me to write you a story, put it in the comments.  It can be anything.  I have written about a rocker, a music box, fences, a dog, a great line someone said, a basket of yarn and fabric remnants, and canning jars.  Currently I am working on a trilogy of stories based on an observation – three women who walk their kids to the bus stop every morning and meet them in the afternoon to walk home.

Everybody and everything has a story.  Send me an idea or photo and I will do my best to write a story for you.

Here is to a few more words in 2016.  Cheers!

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